Reviewer Q & A: Emily from emsview

We love chatting with reviewers who are absolutely passionate about reading and want to tell the world about their favourite books. Emily of emsview is one such reviewer. Like us, she’s a relatively new kid on the book reviewing block, and she brings big energy and an infectious love of reading to her critiques. We caught up with Emily to learn a little more about her reviewing process and the books that blow her hair back.

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Can you tell us a bit about your site: how long have you been reviewing and why did you start? has been active for six months now! It all started when I decided I wanted to have something to express my love of literature, something to develop, write and ultimately create. Before I knew it, I was writing my first post and emsview was born.

What kind of books do you review?

I mainly read and review Young Adult novels and its many sub-genres including dystopian, paranormal, romance and science fiction. However, I also review thrillers, adult, classics and historical fiction.

What’s your reviewing process?

In four words: Read, Think, Write and Excite. After finishing the novel I write key words and sentences about the plot, writing style and the characters. Afterwards I then begin writing my review, though I love detail my reviews are not an analysis of the novel as a whole. Instead I aim for them to be light hearted and casual, and for the reader to finish the review and want to buy the book in question and share my excitement.

Books, e-reader or both?

I love the feel of a good book! I adore the pages between my fingers and that bookish smell that we all know and love. Though I prefer the print book I love my kindle, it is perfect for when I go on holiday and doesn’t weigh down the suitcases either!

How do you decide what to read next?

The wonderful Goodreads is always the answer and I love scrolling through recommendations. But I also love discussing books with my friends and finding out what their latest reads are.

What are three things you look for in a good story?

Action, a unique and well written plot and three dimensional characters.

What do you love most about reading, and why is it important?

This is such a good question! But I love the escaping to far away worlds just beneath your fingertips, from Middle Earth to a dystopian world far from your own. The escapes from reality as you disappear from everything around you, and the characters that you grow with over the course of the novel, as you feel as if they are your nearest and dearest friends. The feeling that anything is possible within your paper infinity.

Reading is important as it ignites your imagination and teaches you everything and allows everyone the chance to dream and to explore, it is the kindest of friends, wisest of teachers and most wonderful companion.

Why are book reviews are important?

Books reviews allow you to not only get a glimpse of the novel in question, but also the person behind it. It allows the reader to find their next favourite book, and the writer an opportunity a chance to be listened to as they write about what they loved or alternatively what they hated.

What’s been your favourite read so far this year?

A Court of Thorns and Roses – full of action, romance and three dimensional characters. A beautifully written book that is a promising start to a new trilogy.

What five books should everyone reading this add to their TBR pile?

If you haven’t read this, you definitely need to. The series in question is ‘The Infernal Devices’ by Cassandra Clare. Another series I adore and would highly recommend is the ‘Gone’ series by Michael Grant. I also recently discovered Sarah J Maas and anything by her is a must read. My final two recommendations are stand alone novels and are: More than This (Patrick Ness) Before I Go to Sleep (S J Watson.) Hopefully you will discover something new and love them as much as I did.

If you could live inside a book, which one would you pick?

This is very difficult but if I had to choose, I’d pick the ‘Harry Potter’ series. Who wouldn’t want to have magic?

Which three fictional characters would you most like to meet and why?

Just three? I’d love to meet so many book characters however I have managed to narrow it down (just barely)

Will Herondale (‘The Infernal Devices’ – Cassandra Clare)

OK, this needs no explanation right? But if you haven’t read this fantastic trilogy here is why. I adore this character; he is witty, funny and loyal. He would be wonderful to meet and just run around Victorian London with him.

Jo March (Little Women – Louisa May Alcott)

In my opinion Jo is one of the best female characters in literature; she is feisty, strong, loving and ultimately ahead of her time. I would love to discuss women’s rights and books with her.

Tintin (‘The Adventures of Tintin’ Comics – Hergé)

(sighs) I love this character so much. He was my favourite character as a child and still is now as a teenager. Tintin remains my hero and role model; he aspired not only in career aspirations (he inspired me to pursue journalism) but also is deeply admirable. He is loyal, brave and selfless and everything that a character should be. I would love to step into his world and have endless adventures with him.

Who is the one character you’d never want to run into in real life?

Dolores Umbridge. No explanation needed.

What advice would you give to new and aspiring reviewers?

Jump headlong into it. Writing is like running down a hill, it is deeply infectious, exhilarating and sometimes scary. Write everything from your head and your heart, don’t stop, just do it.

What advice would you give to emerging writers?

Mainly the same advice as above. But my main tip is to do something different, write about something you would want to read, write something that you love and you are proud of. Most importantly keep on doing it and don’t give up!

Be sure to take a peek at Emily’s reviews over at Emsview, and keep up to date with her via Twitter

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